개미민또 2023. 2. 15. 08:56

you're the last person in the world who should be writing a book about Beethoven 넌 절대 베토벤에 대해 책을 쓰면 안될 사람이야

the last person ~ ~할 마지막 사람, 가장 ~하지 않을 사람

the last person I would choose 내가 절대 선택하지 않을 사람

the last person I wanted to see 가장 보고 싶지 않은 사람

you are the last person I wanted to see today

what's it for? 어디에 쓰는거야?

what's it called? 뭐라고 불러요?


it absolves me from all blame 나의 모든 잘못을 면해주는 서류야

absolve A from B A를 B로부터 면제하다

James attempted to abolve himself from the crime at the court James는 법원에서 그 범죄에 대해 자신이 무죄임을 증명하려고 했다

he was absolved from all blame for the accident 그는 그 사고에 대한 모든 비난을 면했다

pay attention to A A에 주의를 기울이다, 유의하다, 집중하다

= concentrate on = focus on

He won't pay any attention to her

I didn't pay attention to her what she was saying

When students heard the sound of footsteps outside, they didn't pay attention to their teacher


Are you accusing us of not concentrating? 우리가 집중하지 않았다고 비난하는거야?

accuse A of B A를 B라는 이유로 비난/비판/고발하다

Are you natural, David? - Are you accusing me of getting plastic surgery? 내가 성형수술했다고 의심하는거야?

He accused me of hitting on him 그는 내가 작업 걸었냐고 했어.
