개미민또 2022. 12. 8. 19:18

I need to lie down 누워야겠어

The point is ~ 그래서 요점은, 그래서 내 말은, 

The point is you can't be late

Do you know how to get to the Crystal Eye from here? 수정눈에 가려면 어디로 가야해요?

Is that a thing you can do now? 이제 그런 것도 할 수 있는거야?

Check this out 이것 좀 봐

what do you think? / I think 000 / I thought 000

I thought it was a date 난 데이트인 줄 알았어

I don't think so

I don't think this is going to work

I don't think that's right

What do I think? 어떤 것 같냐고?

think about ~에 대해 고민해 보다

I need to think about it

Let me think about it

Just think about it


It's really hard to get the umami flavour 감칠 맛 내기 진짜 어려운 건데

savory flavour 짠 맛 + 풍미

umami flavour 감칠 맛

sweet and savory 단짠단짠

I love sweet and savory food combos

I'm starting to think going to Japan was a bad idea 일본에 가는 것은 안좋은 생각인 것 같아

I'm starting to think I shouldn't go to Korea 한국에 가면 안될 것 같아
